Due to the weather forecast and current conditions, today’s meet has been postponed until Monday 5pm.
We understand that it’s not an ideal situation, but the athletes’ safety and possibility to compete the best they can is our priority, and we couldn’t guarantee that anymore today.
If any spectators had already bought tickets for Saturday, they will be able to use these towards Monday’s competition.

Revised Schedule Monday

Tickets UIL 1A & 4A Regional Track Meet
Here you can buy tickets for the Regional Championships for District III 1A & District II 4A Track & Field.

Schedule Regional Track Meet
Here you can find the 4A & 1A Schedule for the Track & Field Regional Championship. The Championship will take place at UNT on April 19-20.

Twitter: @DentonUILTrack for live updates

1A Handbook Track & Field
Here you can find the 1A Handbook for the Track & Field Region III Championships. The Championship will take place at UNT on April 19-20.

4A Handbook Track & Field
Here you can find the 4A Handbook for the Track & Field Region II Championships. The Championship will take place at UNT on April 19-20.

1A Entry list
Here you can find the updated (4-16) Entry list for Region III 1A. If you see any issues, please notify us as soon as possible.

4A Entry list
Here you can find the updated (4-16) Entry list for Region II 4A. If you see any issues, please notify us as soon as possible.